
Sunday, January 2, 2011


Hello world for Club Penguin!
My last post on here wasn't so, um, well, Happy. Just reading it made me all down. I'll try to keep this one more cheered up.
As I said in the last post, It is hard for me to keep the site updated with ParcyPotter5 on hold. Plus after encouraging you to comment and tell us what you think, I received no comments. I just figured that no one had been on here in a while, so I didn't need to update. Yes, we're not that popular, and usually don't come up when you Google search "Club Penguin Cheats" but that doesn't mean that we're not a good cheats site. Don't just take it for granted that we're not a good cheats site because we are not all that popular, and easy to find. I'm not trying to make you feel offended, or guilty for not commenting, if you were visiting us, and hiding in the shadows, but I do want you to realize that I do kind of feel annoyed that no one was sharing their thoughts when we asked for them. After a while with still no comments, I figured that the people that do visit our site, just don't have a blogger account and can't comment. So I added the chat bar. Then you could do it really easily, and even use your Club Penguin name. Still, no comments.
Now here's what I was thinking for keeping the blog updated. If you would like to see the site updated more frequently, You can help. If you get on C.P. often, and have a camera that takes pictures that come out well when you take them on Club Penguin, Please do take them, and email them to me. I will try to get more viewers by advertising the site on others.
Hope this works,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Creating Your Name

Choosing the right name is important. One you choose your penguin name, it's yours forever! If a friend asks you for help or you are making a penguin, try these suggestions:

1.Never Use Your Real Name! That's a basic rule for internet safety.

2.Use Your Imagination. Try a made up name. One penguin we know is named 1 8 A B, for example.

3.Think of your favorite things. Your favorite animal or sports team could be part of your name.

4.Add some numbers.If the name you want is taken, add some numbers to make it different. For example: DaisyGirl910. for safety reasons, don't use your birthday, or address.

5.Remember:Make sure your name is between four, and twelve characters long. Once you come up with your name, write it down along with your password. Give this to a parent, and ask them to keep it safe for you, in case you forget.

Credit is given to: the Club penguin guide book.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Promise has not been broken

Hey there CP fans!
We have been promising HUGE updates, and at this point you might think we forgot. Well we didn't. There's been a lot going on, and PercyPotter, and I have been REALLY busy. As you might have noticed, we have some cool little widgets on the side, such as... Pin tracker, club penguin banner, catalog viewing, and more might be added. What will we do for updates? Well, as I am sitting here in front of my computer typing, there is a LONG list of things that we will soon be posting. Here let me count...
1, 2,...
27! And that's just the ones that I thought would be most interesting. Some examples are...
Gary's Greatest Inventions
All about your igloo
I Feel :D!
Caring for your puffle,
And much much more!
Credit is given to "The awesome official guide to Club Penguin, Expanded Edition"

Thursday, November 18, 2010


As you may have noticed, We now have a chat box! It's fun and simple. All you have to do is enter your club penguin penguin name, your email (optional) and you message! An easy way to meet other penguins, without even having to log into club penguin! hope you can try it out.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

vote while you can

our poll has been going on for a while, and there are only about 4 days left to vote so if you want to vote do it soon!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Better pictures

Hey it's me Big,
You know how I said there is going to be LOTS of upgrading coming very soon? Well one of them is much more clear pictures. the last ones one here are not good at all and I bet you guys had a hard time figuring out what they were. i found a easy fix to it and the pics are much better now.

just an FYI,
